Heavy body


Floral and fruity notes in the acidity, along with the distinctive winey tones
What Makes Gujji Coffee Unique?
- Ethiopian Gujji coffees – respected for their heavy body and spicy fragrance – are also among the world’s finest specialty coffees and include the long berry (comprised of the largest coffee beans), Short berry (including smaller coffee beans), and Mocha (Moka; Mocca), which consists of the prized pea berry coffee beans.
- The Gujji’s are bright in the cup with floral and fruity notes in the acidity along with the distinctive winey tones. The heady and pungent aroma often offers up hints of blackberries along with spice tones such as cardamom, cinnamon and compote adding to the lingering aftertaste.
- Quality Gujji coffee is bold and complex in character. Ranging from tones of cinnamon, cardamom, blackberry, apricots and compote, a smoky aroma. Found in the southern Ethiopian farms at 4,500 to 6,300 feet of elevation, the Gujji coffee is an exotic, natural Arabica coffee bean. The dry processing of the Gujji coffee beans brings forward its rich red wine and dark chocolate flavours. Many coffee lovers would highly recommend Ethiopian Gujji coffee as a post-dinner coffee.
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